NABBA women compete in Toned Figure, Trained Figure (divided into two classes, dependent on height, at bigger shows) and Physique classes. The Physique class (the equivalent to the Bodybuilding class at NPC shows in the US) is, sadly, appearing less and less frequently, and for the last two years has disappeared from NABBA's longest-running international showcase, the NABBA Universe. However, there's still plenty of female muscle talent to admire, and NABBA women are always very tanned and very cut. Oh, and don't forget that all these women have day jobs. And they do it in thongs.
Nicola Bentham (Toned Figure)
2012 Miss Britain, Miss World and Miss Universe

She won every contest she entered last year, but there’s surprisingly little information about the lovely Nicola. We do know that 2012 was only her second year of competing, making her achievement all the more stunning.
Did you know...?
NABBA was formed in 1950, making it the oldest bodybuilding organisation in the world. The first Miss Universe, Elizabeth Lamb of England, was crowned in 1966. In 1986, separate Figure and Physique classes were introduced for women for the first time.
Jody Shuttleworth (Trained Figure)
2012 Miss England, 3rd Miss Universe Trained Class 1

Jody, originally from Bradford in Yorkshire, works with vulnerable children and families, a job so demanding that she initially started training simply to relieve the stress. That was 15 years ago, and she eventually started to compete in 2007. I am a shy person, particularly in front of large groups of people, she says. But this hasn't stopped her winning Trained Figure titles at the 2007 NAC Britain (her first ever contest), 2009 NABBA UK, and 2010 NABBA Britain, in addition to being the reigning Miss England.
Did you know…?
The current Miss Universe is Maria Kuzmina from Russia, the Figure Miss World is Lesley-Ann Armstrong from Northern Ireland, and the Physique Miss World is everybody’s favourite eight-pack goddess, Elena Oana Hreapca from Romania.
Sarah Hallett (Trained Figure)
2012 Miss Wales, 2nd Miss Britain Trained Class 1, 4th Miss World Trained Class 1

Despite being Miss Wales, finishing runner-up at NABBA Britain and her respectable finish at the NABBA Worlds, Sarah is determined to make an even better showing this year. I'm super-motivated [for 2013], she says, so all I can say is look out! I certainly will. And as you watch her routine from the NABBA Wales below, and appreciate her charismatic stage presence, you might like to think about the fact that Sarah is a firefighter.
Did you know…?
Christine Envall was NABBA Miss World three times, in 1997, 1998 and 2000. Giovanna Rosa of Italy won NABBA Miss Universe Figure four times in a row, from 1999 to 2002.
Sally Knights (Toned Figure)
2012 2nd Miss Britain, 3rd Miss Universe

Sally began bodybuilding just two years ago when her ex-boyfriend (who had been a competitive bodybuilder himself), told her she didn't have the bottle to do it. When someone tells me I can’t do something, it makes me even more determined, says the 35-year-old hairdresser who, like Jody Shuttleworth, comes from Bradford. My clients get really into it, watching my body change each time they come for an appointment.
Did you know…?
The global umbrella organisation NABBA International was formed in 1984, after which the World Championships started. It’s headquarters are in Melbourne, Australia.
Nicola Goodwill (Trained Figure)
2012 2nd Miss North-East Britain Trained Class 1, 3rd Miss Britain Trained Class 1

Time to reignite (excuse the pun) those muscle woman-firefighter fantasies, because that's what Nicola Goodwill does for a day job in Selby, Yorkshire (another woman from Yorkshire!). In fact, it's a job she has always wanted to do, first applying at 18, but having to wait until two years ago to make it through the selection process. Now 30, a tattoo on her left arm reads: Firefighters walk where the devil dances.
Did you know…?
Marie-Laure Mahabir was the first NABBA Physique Miss World, in 1986. Other winners include Deborah Compton (1993), Anja Timmer (1999) and Rahel Ruch (2007).
Cheryl Steele (Trained Figure)
2012 Miss Britain Trained Class 2, 3rd Miss World Trained Class 2

We found information on Cheryl hard to come by, but thanks to Muscle Memory we learned that she was NABBA Miss England and Miss UK in 2011. And we also know she is the wife of Dave Steele, himself a successful NABBA competitor in the Masters over 50 class. The couple that trains together...
Did you know…?
Notable Miss Universes include Erika Mes in 1980, Bernie Price from the UK in 1992, Andrea Izard (1994), Patricia Veldmann (1997), and last, but certainly not least, in 2007, Alina Popa.
Find out where your regional NABBA show will be happening in 2013 on the NABBA UK website. For other countries, the standard web address for NABBA organisations seems to be www.nabba.+your country's domain.
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