[Regular readers will know how I feel about my favourite female bodybuilders getting married. Happy for them, of course, (he said through gritted teeth) but I’m not about to start using her married name. It not only screws up my filing system, it also means I have to change it back when the marriage (sadly) doesn’t work out.]
Anyway, back to the point. Heather was never all about the legs. She may have been good enough to win the Olympia (and may be good enough yet), an overall package combining beauty, muscular development, charisma and that little bit of je ne sais quoi, but those legs were other-wordly. I’m not just talking about their size, but their perfect shape too. Mass and aesthetics. The holy grail. Heavenly. Legendary.
Like I said, with Heather it’s never just about the legs. Those lips, that look of confidence. See how her lats balloon outwards. There’s pecs and abs to admire as well. But in the end you just have to look down. On tiptoe, her thighs explode out of her tight black shorts.

On stage, how many hearts have skipped a beat as hands on hips she extends one leg? She’s going to shake it… she’s going to shake it! Then she does, and then bam! It’s flexed and those beautiful cuts and striations take your breath away.
Now that is a woman! I’ve always wondered just how on earth she got those trousers on. Must have had help. Must have had a queue of helpers. Still it must have taken a while. Off was probably easier. Each pair strictly a one-time deal. Pull them on, wear them, then let those muscles do the ripping when it’s time to get undressed.

And when she’s changed into something more comfortable, there are those thighs in all their glory. No curves on muscular women, he said. Oh really! Dude, look again and tell me just where the straight lines are.
I think this is just about my favourite set of Heather (until I change my mind again). There are muscles everywhere, and delicious tanned, rippling, defined muscles at that. Frankly, she looks bullet-proof. A super-heroine made flesh. And she knows it, doesn't she? Check out that smile.

Her incredible body outdoors in the wet, in heels and lingerie. Sounds like a recipe for a good set of images, and surprise surprise, it totally works, and in no small part because she is really giving it the full foxiness. Again, no curves?! Are you blind?!
I remember seeing an interview with her where she claimed not to train her legs. Hard to believe now, especially rediscovering this photo. Maybe she meant she wasn’t training legs at that time, but she clearly was when this snap was taken. Possibly the juiciest-looking things you will ever see.

Is it the natural sunlight, a bit of photomanipulation? Or was her body really this shredded when this image and its accompanying set were taken? I like to believe the latter, naturally. I like to believe that once upon a time, for a few hours at least, her thighs really did look like this. Truly legendary.
And in case you didn’t know, Heather Policky is on the comeback trail. And there can be little doubt that for now at least, she’s training those bad boys…

If you want her life story, she has a fairly long entry (for a female bodybuilder) at Wikipedia. There are a couple of interviews you might like: one on Bodybuilding.com fairly early in her career, and another at Muscleweek.com from last year that will bring you pretty much up-to-date with all things Heather. And there’s her blog, which, despite not being updated since last August (and updated only irregularly before that), is still well-worth a read. She’s not a woman to mince her words or pretend she isn’t a sexual being.
Hope you have enjoyed this week’s posts as much as I’ve enjoyed putting them together. Female Muscle Slave will be on sabbatical for the next week (unfortunately not with Heather), but will return on 23rd March.
And talking of legendary, FMS recommends PumpItUp for your daily muscle fix, a blog that has been going since 2006. So he must be doing something right!
See you in a week!
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