How else could I begin a week of Thighs? Tina Lockwood is, after all, the woman against whose thighs all others are compared. And once compared, found wanting. Simply put, there hadn't been anything like her before, and there hasn't been anything like her since.

She was my fantasy all-American girl: cute, softly spoken. Just an 'ordinary lady' with an extraordinary body, curvy and, of course f***ing hugely muscled.
(forum post)
Younger brethren might have looked at images of Tina (and I think every single one that was ever taken is out there somewhere now) and thought to themselves, That’s got to be a morph. But older brethren such as myself know. We remember Tina in her pomp. The shock and awe of seeing her for the first time was a feeling that returned every time.

That's got to be a morph! Don't you believe it.
If you are young enough to be coming across Tina for the first time, you are in for a treat. On any forum, search for Tina and if you can pull your eyes away from that body, take the time to read a few of the tributes and get a sense of just how revered she is.

No other female bodybuilder can compare to her. Yes, there has been some very attractive physique ladies over the years, but I'm telling you that in my opinion, no one compares to her, Not anyone.
(forum post)
Her career was short, but beautiful. She came like a comet, burned brightly, and was gone. And once she had gone, she stayed gone. No rumours of a comeback, no reported sightings. No one has any idea what happened to her. Vanished. And the enduring mystery only adds to her legend.
right: the last of Tina, WPW cover, September 1998

It's always sad when fbbs call time on their bodybuilding careers, especially when they have hit their best. Tina quit bodybuilding leaving us all wanting more and disappeared into the sunset.
(forum post)
You'll be wanting more than? Well, all I can do is offer this truly breathtaking clip. A clip from the days of the VHS. Days when a legend walked among us...
More thighs tomorrow.
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