Once upon a time she was Monica Wieckowski, teenage fitness competitor from Sweden. And even then, her legs were just that little bit more developed than the rest of her.

It didn’t take long before I turned into a gym rat. By the age of 14 I already had the desire to compete. Since I was tiny back then I aimed at fitness, even though it was bodybuilding that I had a passion for. I did three fitness shows in Sweden 1999. However I was too vascular and lean, and therefore didn’t place very good.
Monica Wieckowski got a Bachelor’s and Master’s in Nutrition from the University of Stockholm and moved to the USA to do her PhD, but didn’t complete it.
Another reason I chose to move to the U.S. is people here are not nearly as judgemental as they are in Sweden. Swedish people in general are very conservative. They are very judgmental about females in bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is very looked down upon. Even supplements like Creatine are considered taboo. Here you can do whatever you want and people don't condemn you for it.

Still, she wrote a book, in Swedish, ‘Functional Foods for Health and Energy Balance’, an academic book, not for popular consumption. And she got bigger, and became Monica Mollica, and got interested in web design to the extent that she started her own business, Rebel Design Studios.
I took a class on it while I was in school and I became very interested in it. I do not have any formal training other than that. I went out and bought a bunch of books on it and taught myself. I like to learn. You should see my apartment, it looks like a library!
(So the glasses are not just for effect! I’d always wondered about them.)
And as Monica was developing her mind, her body was also developing. She sculpted a highly-muscled, symmetrical physique. Her conditioning remained remarkably consistent. Though she never competed, her abs always seemed to be visible, as did the cuts in her legs, which remained her standout body part.

My diet is always the same. I eat a typical bodybuilding diet: chicken, broccoli, cottage cheese. I wouldn't look this good year round if I didn't stick to the same thing all the time. Besides, I LOVE cottage cheese and I don't know any other way to eat. No cheat foods. When I moved from home, I always had to get my own food. I never bought junk. So I never have cravings.
Monica Mollica became Monica Mowi, her website, www.mowifit.com. She remained (and remains) unavailable for sessions. Instead, she made some wrestling clips (real, not staged) and sold them via the website to her adoring fans. She filmed her training too, as well as erotic posing clips. Her fame and adoration increased.
I’m an early riser; I usually go up around 6am and head directly to the gym. For me, I have the best workouts in the morning. Then home to eat and starting my working day; as a webmaster I’m responsible for several websites, including my own, so I do a lot of web/video work. And as a dietary consultant and writer, I also spend a significant amount of time writing and reading scientific publications.

Those women who I admire and who are professional right now are in their mid 30s. I have time to do it right. I feel no pressure to jump in to a show. Besides, I don't believe I have to compete in order to be considered a bodybuilder. Bodybuilding is a lifestyle and it is the lifestyle I choose.
She has never competed, and yet I’ll bet every female muscle head knows who she is. She doesn’t do sessions, yet invites you to desire her body with her sensual posing. She is an intellectual, an author and a creative 21st-century businesswoman and at the same time the muscular dream-girl of thousands.
I follow my own path and I am very strong-willed. I've always known what I wanted and I've always pursued it. It doesn't usually fit in with everyone else, but who cares?! Who wants to be like everyone else?

I think it’s fair to say there are not too many like Monica (whatever surname she’s using!). And there are not too many with thighs like those either.
The world became a better place on Monday April 14,1980 with the birth of Monica Sylvia Wieckowski in Stockholm,Sweden.You have one fit sexy body with a vast intellect!